Colloque : The Great(er) War of Military Occupations in Europe. Antecedents, experiences & legacies

Colloque : The Great(er) War of Military Occupations in Europe. Antecedents, experiences & legacies

Du 23 au 25 juin 2022, au CegeSoma, se tiendra un colloque sur les occupations militaires en Europe durant la Première Guerre mondiale. Van 23 tot 25 juni 2022 wordt in het CegeSoma een symposium gehouden over de militaire bezettingen in Europa tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

Informations and suscriptions

We invite you to our new conference on occupations in Europe during the First World War.

Our conference is an international conference for both early career and experienced researchers in History. We would like to initiate discussions on the subject of occupations and invite anyone who would like to participate to register. Presentations will be in English and each session will be followed by a panel discussion.

The aim of this conference is to understand the different forms taken by the occupations during the First World War and to develop better categories of analysis. We would like to connect and compare these occupations at the European or even global level, to question the transfers between them, and finally to consider them more comprehensively in the long run or in the broad perspective of imperial regimes of domination. We’ll look beyond Central Powers occupations towards Entente military presences that may or may not be defined as occupations and beyond the traditional chronological limits towards the Greater War.

The Study and Documentation Centre for War and Contemporary Society (State Archives of Belgium) and the Laboratoire de recherches historiques (University of Louvain) are organising this conference in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe, the Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, the National Fund for Scientific Research of Belgium, the Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies and the Department of History of the University of Louvain.

Practical Information

  • When ? from 23 to 25 June 2022
  • Where ? at the CegeSoma (square de l’Aviation 29, 1070 Brussels)
  • Price €15 / day (lunch and coffee break included) | Free for UCLouvain students
  • Contact :

Register via the form and by paying the correct amount into the bank account

IBAN: BE12 6792 0045 0092
Communication: Occupations + first name and last name

Please download our programme